Torchwood Series 4

Gwen CooperImage via Wikipedia

John Barrowman has apparently signed a deal to return for a full 4th series of Torchwood, and not just a miniseries which was aired in early 2009.

The last miniseries, Children of Earth, was screened on BBC One, something that was important for Torchwood fans. Barrowman has also said that Torchwood Series 4, will be a full 13 episodes.
In previous seasons, Torchwood has lost a host of it's main characters, will Gwen Cooper return in the news series? Remember that she had a child in Children of Earth, so her return might not be possible.

We will have to wait a while for Torchwood Series 4, as Barrowman is due to appear in a spectacular 3D Pantomime in Scotland in 2010.

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New Series of Torchwood is here.

Monday see's the return of Doctor Who Spin Off, Torchwood.

Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper are back on our screens for a brand new series of the show, and whats better than that? The show will now be screened on BBC One for UK viewers, about time in my opnion. The first show is on Monday 6th July at 9pm, and then everyday at 9pm for the whole week ahead. This is great news for all us Torchwood fans, a whole new series in 1 week.

Nothing has yet been said about series 4, with John Barrowman on this weeks Radio 2 Show Steve Wright in the afternoon, but with no mention of the series after this one. He did mention though that he might be appearing in the new series of Doctor Who, but we will have to wait and see.

Here's a trailer for the new series of Torchwood.

Looks pretty good to me, roll on Monday!

Who's ready for Torchwood Series 3?

Are your ready for Torchwood Series 3? Well i sure am!

Torchwood has been off our screens for about 1 year now, that is unless you watch the reruns on Watch or BBC Three. As a huge fan of the show, i cannot wait for Eve Myles to be back on our screens as Gwen Cooper, it's been too long.
After all the talk about Torchwood Series 3 and the connection with Doctor Who, lets see what the press has been showing up in the past couple of weeks.
John Barrowman and David Tennant have been photographed filming new scenes in and around Cardiff. The two were seen exiting the Tiger Tiger Pub, not really sure why. They are filming new scenes for the new Doctor Who show, which see's Captain Jack back with the Doctor.

So we will all have to wait until June for the new series to begin. It's also so a pretty good guess that both shows will stick to their original format. With both shows being one of the Beebs biggest fan based shows, both Torchwood and Doctor Who are too expensive to spoil.

Until Next Time..

Torchwood - Children of Earth Trailer

The brand new trailer for Torchwood Series 3 has been revealed.

The new mini-series is expected to begin between June 15-19th according to some blogs.
John Barrowman has also revealed on his homepage that a new episode will be screened at the National Film Theatre on June 12th 2009, this is why an expected air date of 15-19th has been given.

A small synopsis for the new mini series has also been given-

"1965: Twelve children are gathered on a deserted moor, before being surrounded by a harsh, bright light .... and then they are gone! Today: all over Earth, children stop moving. Stop playing, stop laughing. Then, as one, they begin to speak with the same voice, announcing the imminent arrival of a new alien threat. "We are coming...." As the British government closes ranks, it issues a death warrant against Captain Jack and Torchwood..."

Thank to io9.

Watch the trailer-