The brand new trailer for Torchwood Series 3 has been revealed.
The new mini-series is expected to begin between June 15-19th according to some blogs.
John Barrowman has also revealed on his homepage that a new episode will be screened at the National Film Theatre on June 12th 2009, this is why an expected air date of 15-19th has been given.
A small synopsis for the new mini series has also been given-
"1965: Twelve children are gathered on a deserted moor, before being surrounded by a harsh, bright light .... and then they are gone! Today: all over Earth, children stop moving. Stop playing, stop laughing. Then, as one, they begin to speak with the same voice, announcing the imminent arrival of a new alien threat. "We are coming...." As the British government closes ranks, it issues a death warrant against Captain Jack and Torchwood..."
Thank to io9.
Watch the trailer-